Technology, Processes, Products – the Die Casting Industry meets from 16 – 18 January 2024 in Nuremberg.
The international die casting industry meets at the biggest trade fair for die casting for the 15th time. The product range shows innovative solutions for die casting processes like aluminium die casting, magnesium die casting or zinc die casting. The event also focuses on topics like rapid prototyping, die casting machinery and material testing.

Initial results from the new NOX vacuum technology

The latest innovation in Rifimpress, the IDRA 2200 ton NOX press with integral vacuum technology was presented at the 31st Assofond Congress, held in Vicenza on 26-27 October 2012 and at the National Conference of the Associazione Italiana di Metallurgia (Association of Italian Metalworkers), held from 7 to 9 November 2012 in Trento.

Both presentations were given by Idra’s engineer, Roberto Boni, and have resulted in the initial sampling carried out for the production of motorcycle crankcases which requires high mechanical characteristics using aluminium as the primary alloy, with T6 heat treatment. After the T6 thermal treatment, the crankcases produced with Nox technology, did not show any surfaces blisters other than in a few small areas of some components.

Rifimpress technology offers industrial opportunities that, although requiring particular expedients in the realisation of the mould and increased maintenance in operation, guarantee levels of qualitative stability making it economically competitive. Moreover, the flexibility of the system that can also be used with traditional methods, with and without vacuum, provides customers with the production flexibility that is essential for rising to the challenge of a constantly evolving market.

Enclosed is the presentation given by Roberto Boni at the Assofond Congress: Nox Vacuum casting – Rifimpress


The GREEN LINE energy-saving die-casting machine is equipped with an innovative motor-pump unit.
Supervising the function, at each single instant, of the motor and the energy consumption, a significant reduction of the thermal transfer to the fluid is obtained, and because of this a further reduction in the energy consumption by limiting the fluid cooling need.


  • Energy saving higher than 80%
  • Need of fluid cooling extremely reduced
  • Sensible reduction of noise levels
  • Simplification of the hydraulic circuit with removal of flow proportional valve and sequence valve
  • Increase of speed of opening and closing
  • All the movements of the machine are controlled in closed loop


Rifimpress as an ENERGY- CONSUMING company regards energy as an essential resource and a fundamental strategic element towards achieving low carbon-emissions in the future together with a safer energy supply. Rifimpress acknowledges the link between corporate economic growth and environmental protection and its potential to influence the community and therefore, seeks to achieve customer satisfaction through the efficient and sustainable management of energy consumption, aiming to succeed in 3 ambitious challenges:

continuous improvement of energy performance

monitoring and reduction of polluting emissions

culture of all-round energy efficiency.

What kind of alloys control and hygiene methods do you use?

The methods of control and hygiene of the alloys in Rifimpress are particularly accurate.

The alloys are melted into a dedicated melting unit and in each melting furnace a first sprouting and cleaning of the alloy is performed. At this point the alloy is poured into a ladle and brought to a degassing station before it is transported to the press department and poured into the waiting machine on the edge of the machine.

In each waiting oven, finally, a final melting of the molten bath is achieved.

How do you project a new production?

The customer has been supported since the very beginning of the design of the new mold by the company’s technical office, with which all the necessary equipment is agreed upon.

At this stage, ProCast simulation software enables filling and solidification analysis to prevent quality problems, and co-design both the product (if needed) and the process leading to mold optimization.

Once the mold is made, sampling is followed by a specialized technician who prepares the quality reports requested by the customer.

Images of workpiece steps

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The casting simulation video produced by the Rifimpress technical department


What is the difference between magnesium and alluminium alloys?

Magnesium alloys are the most recommended for production of very thin components and particularly lightweight products.

Magnesium alloys, in fact, are the structural material with a lower specific weight but with good rigidity and good mechanical properties. This material is also characterized by a high degree of smoothness, which allows the construction of components with very thin thicknesses and excellent aesthetic finishes.

The magnesium alloy component has oxidation and corrosion problems that are eliminated by post-casting surface treatments.

What are your components finish standards?

Rifimpress is able to supply finished components, machined and assembled according to different customer requirements.

Inside the company there is a sand-blasting and bur cleaning department, a department for mechanical machining. Rifimpress also has an oven for aging of components and impregnation plant.

As for surface coatings and surface treatments, instead, Rifimpress uses qualified external suppliers.